As I looked out my rain-soaked window of Meridian’s headquarters in northern Virginia last week, I started thinking about the National Zoo and how hard it would be to build an ark. I mean, Noah and Evan Almighty could do it, right?
For those of you following the national weather, the Washington D.C. metro area emerged from a record-breaking 15 consecutive days of rain. At first, it was tolerable, but by the eighth day of wet and gloomy weather, it didn’t seem like an end was in sight. It has gotten so bad that an Oregon native and writer for the Washington Post wrote an article titled “The Five Stages of Grief: How to Cope with Endless Rain.”
The dreary weather and overall melancholy that Washingtonians were experiencing led me to think about our customers and their views on regulation and compliance. Leaders in highly regulated industries, like life sciences and pharmaceuticals, must feel as if compliance regulations are an endless storm cloud overhead.
Non-compliance is not an option for industries like life sciences, which are governed by strict mandates to track the delivery and completion of training. Luckily, the folks at Meridian had these industries in mind when we built our latest software release for our learning management product.
Meridian Global version 16.2, now generally available, delivers a comprehensive solution to address the unique needs of regulated industries. We extended the product to support e-signatures fully, enhanced our auditing mechanisms, and built a full documentation set to aid the validation process.
Our clients can now fully address the FDA 21 CFR Part 11 requirements while providing their learners with a modern and engaging user experience.
We decentralized section administration to allow instructors and administrators to control individual sections (offerings) for courses at a much more granular level and improved email personalization.
The new enhancements in Meridian Global Version 16.2 can solve the complex business needs of highly regulated industries in a way no other company can.
Eventually, the rain will subside here in the DC metro area (I hope!). For companies trying to keep up with compliance regulations, Meridian Global Version 16.2 can help. Sunny days are on their way.
For weathering compliance storms in the life sciences industry, check out our whitepaper, “The Definitive Guide to Managing and Maintaining Compliance in Life Sciences.”