7 Signs Your L&D Program Is Overwhelming

group of 5 business people sitting at a table with laptops open in a training

Regarding learning in the workplace, some endless topics and competencies are available and encouraged to be learned. Training can easily become overwhelming with such a vast availability of knowledge and education. Red Flags Your Training Program is Causing Cognitive Overwhelm  Information Overload: Employees feel a sense of frustration and incompetence for not knowing enough.  Misplaced…

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Video Fatigue is Real

We are experiencing a time of great uncertainty. Schools have shifted online, working from home is the new norm, and “Zoom” seems to be in everyone’s vocabulary. With social distancing measures in place across much of the country, we rely heavily on other communication forms to stay connected. People can stay connected to their social…

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Winning Strategies to Overcome Resistance to Change

It’s time for a pop quiz! QUESTION: What is the best way to overcome employee resistance to change? Force them to comply with threats and negative consequences. Bribe them. Gain their trust and willing participation. Hopefully, everybody selected “C.” In all seriousness, though. Change is a challenge. Yet, it’s a constant in every organization, along…

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5 Characteristics of Leaders People Want to Follow

It seems like everywhere you look, there’s a new blog, report, or book on leadership trends and tips. From Harvard Business Review research on how to be a stronger, better leader to Inc. and Fast Company articles listing the common traits of exceptional people – leadership advice is in no short supply. Even our guest blogger, Ed…

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