Drive Revenue Generation Through an eCommerce LMS

revenue generation through an ecommerce LMS

An eCommerce learning management system (LMS) can significantly impact revenue growth for organizations. Leveraging this capability can increase course sales, upsell opportunities, and streamline payment processing. The eCommerce function within the LMS makes selling courses directly within the platform simple. A user-friendly interface makes the browsing and purchasing experience more accessible for customers. An LMS…

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The Benefits of Extended Enterprise Training

A group of business people sitting around a conference table and a business woman standing at the end presenting a training

Extensive enterprise training extends training to those outside the organization, making processes more efficient rather than being a burden. A robust learning management system (LMS) allows a diverse population of learners to access relevant training under one interface. Below are several ways to leverage extended enterprise training to experience the benefits within your organization: 1.…

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Key Features to Look for in an eCommerce LMS Solution

Key eCommerce Features

Many organizations are hesitant to accelerate their digital transformation by introducing a learning management system (LMS) or integrating other technologies. This is due to the impression that it is a time-consuming process and could be a large financial investment. However, the ability to scale and monetize training among external learners has proven to be an…

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Increase Credibility with your Brand

multi-domain brand consistency

Multi-domain learning is necessary to ensure that all employees, departments, and partners are trained for their specific needs. The Meridian LMS allows you to set up multiple custom domains, each with distinct branding elements to establish an individualized look and feel for each audience. By giving multiple domains their customized elements, a sense of brand…

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What is LMS Architecture?

It’s 2023, and the way in which we operate, learn, and collaborate has evolved tremendously. For highly regulated industries, it’s important to have a learning management system that can adapt and impact the organization. This is where having an LMS architecture can be a great asset not only for training the internal team but also for…

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Driving Revenue with eCommerce for Learning

ecommerce for elearning

Delivering learning to the extended enterprise, or learning audiences external to the organization, is becoming increasingly important for many companies. The extended enterprise also presents a unique opportunity for Learning & Development teams, as it is often a source of revenue generation. Selling training to customers, resellers, or other audiences through eCommerce adds a revenue-generating…

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Personalizing Learning with Multi-Tenancy Technology

hand close up on the keyboard of a laptop working on an training in an LMS

Organizations are increasingly trying to provide contextualized experiences to their employees, especially regarding learning. L&D teams want to create more personalized learning experiences to drive adoption and engagement, but they are often challenged by scale. Avoiding a “one-size-fits-all” feel in a large, complex, or extended enterprise can be difficult. This is why Meridian Knowledge Solutions…

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Is it Time to Switch to a New LMS?

While 92% of organizations use one or more LMSs, only 9% are very satisfied and almost 20% are not at all satisfied with their current learning technology platform provider. (Brandon Hall Group, Learning Technology 2019). There are numerous reasons why these organizations are unhappy with their current LMS vendor. Modern organizations need to adapt their…

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Inside Out – Training the Extended Enterprise

For the first time, a large percentage of the workforce worked from home during the pandemic, so many organizations are discovering the challenge of training and developing people who do not work in the same building. Some companies have been grappling with dispersed learning audiences and learners who do not even work for the organization.…

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