Driving Revenue with eCommerce for Learning

ecommerce for elearning

Delivering learning to the extended enterprise, or learning audiences external to the organization, is becoming increasingly important for many companies. The extended enterprise also presents a unique opportunity for Learning & Development teams, as it is often a source of revenue generation. Selling training to customers, resellers, or other audiences through eCommerce adds a revenue-generating…

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Personalizing Learning with Multi-Tenancy Technology

hand close up on the keyboard of a laptop working on an training in an LMS

Organizations are increasingly trying to provide contextualized experiences to their employees, especially regarding learning. L&D teams want to create more personalized learning experiences to drive adoption and engagement, but they are often challenged by scale. Avoiding a “one-size-fits-all” feel in a large, complex, or extended enterprise can be difficult. This is why Meridian Knowledge Solutions…

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Does Your Learning Make an Impact on the Bottom Line?

Looking over the past decade or so, it is interesting to see how the focus of learning in organizations has shifted. A focus on technology, a focus on making that technology easy for admins to use, a focus on learners, a focus on content…it’s like a cat chasing a spot from a laser pointer. Of…

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Inside Out – Training the Extended Enterprise

For the first time, a large percentage of the workforce worked from home during the pandemic, so many organizations are discovering the challenge of training and developing people who do not work in the same building. Some companies have been grappling with dispersed learning audiences and learners who do not even work for the organization.…

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