Your Career Ladder- Straight isn’t Always Better

What if you took a deep, hard look into yourself and decided that your chosen career path isn’t what you want? Most would assume your discontent stemmed from an unsuccessful achievement of one’s career goals. Simply put, you probably didn’t rise that ladder fast enough.   But what if your ladder wasn’t straight up and…

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Proper LMS Training is a Game-Changer for Federal Prison Personnel

It is apparent that federal prisons and correctional facilities are experiencing detrimental staffing shortages. Just a few months ago, the Federal Corrections Complex in Florida cited a 14% vacancy among employees in its correctional department. There are many possible causes to this staffing shortage which could include retiring workers, difficulties with attracting and retaining workforce,…

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Attract and Retain Public Safety Workers with Digital Transformation

Attract and Retain Public Safety Workers Through Digital Transformation

As we approach 2023 many challenges are prevalent within public safety organizations. A reliable and secure learning management system can address some of those concerns: Recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce Organizations are re-evaluating their learning and development processes as public safety workers are retiring or approaching retirement. With an LMS, organizations can capture and…

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How To Maximize Learning Paths to Cultivate Internal Talent

group of employees around a desk with laptops open and a whiteboard with text on it

The right LMS contributes to the long-term success of the organization. To maximize your workforce and build exceptional teams that exceed expectations, an investment must be made in creating personalized learning paths that make the material more relevant and relatable. With the right learning management system, you can efficiently and cost-effectively deliver learning programs that…

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How to Define Successful Hybrid Learning for Your Organization

blury view of a group of business people in a training in an office building meeting room

Successful learning may differ depending on the industry, organization, or even the person completing the learning. Learning has taken on a new landscape thanks to the help of technology.  Creating a hybrid learning environment merges the complexity of the physical and virtual environments. This results in a customizable program and sets up any learner for…

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7 Signs Your L&D Program Is Overwhelming

group of 5 business people sitting at a table with laptops open in a training

Regarding learning in the workplace, some endless topics and competencies are available and encouraged to be learned. Training can easily become overwhelming with such a vast availability of knowledge and education. Red Flags Your Training Program is Causing Cognitive Overwhelm  Information Overload: Employees feel a sense of frustration and incompetence for not knowing enough.  Misplaced…

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Cohort Based Learning Fosters Business Evolution

Organizations are scrambling to find new ways to address employee engagement and innovation at work. In a tight market, ensuring your workforce is ready and skilled to pivot with the constant flux of modernizing your business needs is crucial. As the shift to hybrid working environments increases, it’s easy to overwhelm your workforce with the…

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Revamping Your eLearning Programs

In today’s vast world of technology, eLearning has become an essential tool for businesses to educate the modern workforce. Below, we will discuss the different ways in which you can jump-start your corporate eLearning programs. Ensure you Have Proper Leadership & Commitment in Place With any business endeavor, you will only succeed when you have…

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The 5 Benefits of Lifelong Learning

The 5 Benefits of Lifelong Learning In a 2020 report, the Pew Research Center found that 73% of American adults consider themselves “lifelong learners,” meaning they seek out learning activities in their personal or professional lives). These learning activities take many forms, from online seminars and courses through hands-on workshops and classes, from TED talks…

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Are You Ready to Replace Retiring Workers?

State agencies and local municipalities expect a significant rise in the retirement rate of their workforce during the next five years. Firefighters, police officers, and other public safety personnel are expected to make up a significant portion of all retiring workers. This trend is primarily because staff in these emergency service roles are typically eligible…

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First Annual Meridian Impact Eastern Summit Brings East Coast Clients Together

The first Meridian Impact Eastern Summit, held last week, brought commercial and federal learning professionals together to share best practices, discuss ways to improve their training programs and learn how to leverage the Meridian LMS to achieve their organizations’ goals. Attendees gained valuable insight into existing client use cases and ways to increase efficiency and…

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Meridian Releases LMS 18.1: Career Development and Privacy Enhancements

Reston, Va. – April 27, 2018 – Meridian Knowledge Solutions, a leading cloud-based learning management system (LMS) provider, announces the availability of Meridian LMSTMversion 18.1. In this release, Meridian applies its long-term focus on learning innovative ways for users to organize and oversee their career development paths, increased flexibility and functionality in employee career development for…

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The 4 Secrets of Self-Motivated Learning

To some degree, we all have a deep desire to continue to learn and develop new skills. Whether you’re looking to brush up on new technology or completely pivot your career direction, continuing education is essential to your career growth and intellectual value. Skills are the new currency, so they say. As innovation advances, so…

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