As we approach 2023 many challenges are prevalent within public safety organizations. A reliable and secure learning management system can address some of those concerns:
Recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce
Organizations are re-evaluating their learning and development processes as public safety workers are retiring or approaching retirement. With an LMS, organizations can capture and retain internal and external training records, including testing results, attendance, and certificates. By doing so, public sector organizations will have a clear assessment of where employees are in their training and better understand how to address any skill gaps.
Mobile learning capabilities
Not only is addressing skill gaps important, but this also aligns with prioritizing employees’ continuing education and knowledge. Given that responders are usually in the field, it would be helpful if their learning technology could support their day-to-day tasks. Meridian LMS has mobile capabilities that allow learners to take training courses and access other mobile-friendly content whenever and wherever. This allows flexibility on both sides and streamlines the process for learners and administrators.
Security breaches and cybersecurity
Many public safety organizations view various compliance training programs as another high-priority check box. However, this viewpoint could cause some important details and considerations to fall through the cracks. Cybersecurity prices have been on the rise in recent years and having an LMS that can track real time compliance changes can allow your organization to stay current with compliance requirements. This can greatly benefit the organization by appropriately addressing personnel training can greatly benefit the organization. Meridian LMS can help you proactively manage your compliance training effectively and reduce the amount of penalties or security breach concerns.