How to Define Successful Hybrid Learning for Your Organization

blury view of a group of business people in a training in an office building meeting room

Successful learning may differ depending on the industry, organization, or even the person completing the learning. Learning has taken on a new landscape thanks to the help of technology.  Creating a hybrid learning environment merges the complexity of the physical and virtual environments. This results in a customizable program and sets up any learner for…

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7 Signs Your L&D Program Is Overwhelming

group of 5 business people sitting at a table with laptops open in a training

Regarding learning in the workplace, some endless topics and competencies are available and encouraged to be learned. Training can easily become overwhelming with such a vast availability of knowledge and education. Red Flags Your Training Program is Causing Cognitive Overwhelm  Information Overload: Employees feel a sense of frustration and incompetence for not knowing enough.  Misplaced…

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The 5 Benefits of Lifelong Learning

The 5 Benefits of Lifelong Learning In a 2020 report, the Pew Research Center found that 73% of American adults consider themselves “lifelong learners,” meaning they seek out learning activities in their personal or professional lives). These learning activities take many forms, from online seminars and courses through hands-on workshops and classes, from TED talks…

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Meridian Releases LMS 18.1: Career Development and Privacy Enhancements

Reston, Va. – April 27, 2018 – Meridian Knowledge Solutions, a leading cloud-based learning management system (LMS) provider, announces the availability of Meridian LMSTMversion 18.1. In this release, Meridian applies its long-term focus on learning innovative ways for users to organize and oversee their career development paths, increased flexibility and functionality in employee career development for…

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How Managers Can Become Career Agents

The concept of a career agent isn’t new or novel. At some point or another, everyone has worked alongside a career agent. You know the type: The great managers of people in your organization who genuinely care about the future of their colleagues. They not only know their employee’s career goals, they do everything in…

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Making the Move to a Corporate University

When considering the concept of a corporate university, we often first think of large corporations with famous universities, such as GE’s Crontonville University, McDonald’s Hamburger University, or Disney University, to name a few. But here is the kicker: you don’t have to be a Fortune 500 company to establish a corporate university designed to advance…

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5 Characteristics of Leaders People Want to Follow

It seems like everywhere you look, there’s a new blog, report, or book on leadership trends and tips. From Harvard Business Review research on how to be a stronger, better leader to Inc. and Fast Company articles listing the common traits of exceptional people – leadership advice is in no short supply. Even our guest blogger, Ed…

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