7 Signs Your L&D Program Is Overwhelming

group of 5 business people sitting at a table with laptops open in a training

Regarding learning in the workplace, some endless topics and competencies are available and encouraged to be learned. Training can easily become overwhelming with such a vast availability of knowledge and education. Red Flags Your Training Program is Causing Cognitive Overwhelm  Information Overload: Employees feel a sense of frustration and incompetence for not knowing enough.  Misplaced…

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Benefits of Blended and Hybrid Learning

The corporate learning and development landscape has dramatically evolved in the past few years. As organizations grow, there has been an increasing need to deliver training that best meets the needs and capabilities of a diverse workforce. While many L&D professionals recognize that training cannot be a one-time event, they often run into time, cost,…

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The Corporate Disconnect Between People Strategy & Learning Strategy

There is a significant disconnect between what leaders intuitively know is important versus how we will get our future leaders to carry the torch. Leadership misses the critical importance of learning strategy in corporate training. Leaders often build their corporate strategy around areas that will help their business sustain profitability. Moreover, many corporations employ dedicated…

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How Managers Can Become Career Agents

The concept of a career agent isn’t new or novel. At some point or another, everyone has worked alongside a career agent. You know the type: The great managers of people in your organization who genuinely care about the future of their colleagues. They not only know their employee’s career goals, they do everything in…

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3 Tips to Make More Time for Learning

Employees dedicate about 1% of their time to learning and development per week. I did the math: Only 24 minutes can be carved out for learning during the average 40-hour workweek. Yet, learning and development consistently rank as top priorities for both employers and employees. People want to learn and take advantage of on-the-job training…

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Embrace Change or Fall Victim to Irrelevance

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “Change is the only constant in life,” truer than ever in business. The pace of change seems to be moving faster than ever, and organizations of all sizes are struggling to stay ahead or even keep up. Compare the 2015 Fortune 100 list to the 2005 Fortune 100; you’ll notice…

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5 Characteristics of Leaders People Want to Follow

It seems like everywhere you look, there’s a new blog, report, or book on leadership trends and tips. From Harvard Business Review research on how to be a stronger, better leader to Inc. and Fast Company articles listing the common traits of exceptional people – leadership advice is in no short supply. Even our guest blogger, Ed…

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ICYMI: What amazing bosses do differently

Take a break from your holiday shopping and dig into our favorite articles this week. In case you missed it (ICYMI), here are this week’s top articles on leadership, management, and company culture. What Amazing Bosses Do Differently Job satisfaction heavily relies on the relationships we build with our bosses. In today’s ever-changing workforce, what…

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How to Develop Future Leaders

There’s a big difference between managers and leaders. Leaders listen, motivate, and lead by example. They know how to navigate through difficult and often uncomfortable workplace situations gracefully. Training and developing future leaders is consistently ranked as a top priority. Leadership training goes beyond communicating what leadership styles are important. You can’t just throw up…

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Workspiration: 20 Leadership Quotes

Sometimes, all we need is a little extra push to get through the workday. Here are 20 quotes that will inspire you to be the best you can be. Tweet them. Share them. And, most importantly, live by them. “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. – John F. Kennedy “Tell me and I…

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How to Build Great Managers of People

How do you build great managers of people, you ask? That’s the million-dollar question. To shed some light on the subject, we sat down with Kris Dunn, CHRO of Kinetix and founder of Fistful of Talent, and Dawn Burke, VP of People for Daxko and Fistful of Talent contributor, who have some pretty good insights…

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Tough week. Tough team.

I am not going to lie. Last week at work was tough. We had a lot of deadlines and issues we had no control over. That being said, I am fortunate to work with a group of hard-working, dedicated, and smart people who not only see the glass half full but are determined to get…

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Women Who Rule the World

Women are having a bigger impact on the world than ever before. In honor of International Women’s Day, March 8, 2015, I started thinking about all the incredible women who are changing the way we see the world, not just in business but also in charitable, social, and political endeavors. There are phenomenal females spearheading change and driving…

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Building Your Personal Brand

Personal branding isn’t reserved for all-star athletes, celebrities, and reality TV stars trying to make a quick buck. You don’t need an empire to differentiate yourself; you need to get a little creative. The fact is people like doing business with people, not companies. So, let’s take a page from marketing’s book and start thinking of…

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Workspiration: 25 Quotes to Jump-start Your Day

The days might be getting shorter, but they certainly feel longer. With the fast-approaching holiday season, staying focused and motivated’s proving more difficult. As cheesy as it sounds, I often turn to inspirational quotes to get me in the work state of mind. Here are 25 motivational, leadership, and business quotes to inspire you throughout…

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