7 Signs Your L&D Program Is Overwhelming

group of 5 business people sitting at a table with laptops open in a training

Regarding learning in the workplace, some endless topics and competencies are available and encouraged to be learned. Training can easily become overwhelming with such a vast availability of knowledge and education. Red Flags Your Training Program is Causing Cognitive Overwhelm  Information Overload: Employees feel a sense of frustration and incompetence for not knowing enough.  Misplaced…

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Benefits of Blended and Hybrid Learning

The corporate learning and development landscape has dramatically evolved in the past few years. As organizations grow, there has been an increasing need to deliver training that best meets the needs and capabilities of a diverse workforce. While many L&D professionals recognize that training cannot be a one-time event, they often run into time, cost,…

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The Corporate Disconnect Between People Strategy & Learning Strategy

There is a significant disconnect between what leaders intuitively know is important versus how we will get our future leaders to carry the torch. Leadership misses the critical importance of learning strategy in corporate training. Leaders often build their corporate strategy around areas that will help their business sustain profitability. Moreover, many corporations employ dedicated…

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The Anatomy of a Great RFP Requirement

When I’m not giving demos or traveling to tradeshows to meet potential and existing clients, I spend the majority of my day evaluating client RFPs and RFP requirements to determine whether our product and solution are a good fit for your various business needs. After doing this for a decade, I estimate I have evaluated…

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Why Employees Aren’t Wasting Time on Learning

We’d devote countless hours to professional development in a dream world. Who doesn’t want to brush up on old skills and learn something new? It would only make us better contributors. Here’s the rub: modern learners only devote about 1% of their day to learning and development activities.¹ On top of this, resources are often…

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5 Characteristics of Leaders People Want to Follow

It seems like everywhere you look, there’s a new blog, report, or book on leadership trends and tips. From Harvard Business Review research on how to be a stronger, better leader to Inc. and Fast Company articles listing the common traits of exceptional people – leadership advice is in no short supply. Even our guest blogger, Ed…

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How to Become a Learning Leader in 2016

In order to be successful and stay competitive, organizations need to re-invest in their learning strategies in 2016. We sat down with Kris Dunn, CHRO at Kinetix and Founder of Fistful of Talent, to get his insight into the top 5 areas that Learning and Development organizations must focus on this year. Getting Organized and…

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Compliance = Organizational Cat Herding

Here’s how to get your team on board! You know the drill. You’ve got a compliance-based training event that must be completed by a certain date to satisfy the powers that be (and avoid serious fines or bad PR). Whether it involves harassment, regulatory mandates (Sarbanes-Oxley, anyone?!?), or general safety training, you must ensure your…

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Life Hacks: 7 Memory Retention Tips

This morning, I made a pot of coffee and forgot to put it back on the burner. Naturally, I didn’t notice until coffee poured onto my countertop and, eventually, my floor. My auto-pilot routine failed me. As I mopped up the coffee, I thought, “How on Earth did I forget to return the coffee pot?…

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