2022 Corporate Training Strategies: Realignment

In 2022, we have lessons from 2021 combined with cautionary tales of catastrophic proportions from 2020. Looking ahead, we should take stock of what we can proactively build today to manage a future catapulted into the unknown. Planning for the future can often feel daunting. 2020 and 2021 accelerated the future, forcing many people &…

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3 easy ways to implement Design Thinking into your training program

In a recent webinar, “Human-Centered Learning: Leveraging Best Practices from Software Design,” Sean Osborne, our SVP of Product and Growth Strategy, along with our Lead User Experience Designer, Alan Underwood, introduced the concept of “Design Thinking” and how you can apply the concept and method to your training programs. The topic created a lot of…

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Benefits of Blended and Hybrid Learning

The corporate learning and development landscape has dramatically evolved in the past few years. As organizations grow, there has been an increasing need to deliver training that best meets the needs and capabilities of a diverse workforce. While many L&D professionals recognize that training cannot be a one-time event, they often run into time, cost,…

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The Corporate Disconnect Between People Strategy & Learning Strategy

There is a significant disconnect between what leaders intuitively know is important versus how we will get our future leaders to carry the torch. Leadership misses the critical importance of learning strategy in corporate training. Leaders often build their corporate strategy around areas that will help their business sustain profitability. Moreover, many corporations employ dedicated…

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Revamping Your eLearning Programs

In today’s vast world of technology, eLearning has become an essential tool for businesses to educate the modern workforce. Below, we will discuss the different ways in which you can jump-start your corporate eLearning programs. Ensure you Have Proper Leadership & Commitment in Place With any business endeavor, you will only succeed when you have…

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What is a Learning Record Store (LRS) ?

According to xAPI.com, a Learning Record Store (LRS) is the heart of any xAPI ecosystem. If you are unsure what an xAPI ecosystem is, please check out our previous blog here. Essentially, xAPI-enabled applications generate metadata in the form of ‘statements.’ The application sends these statements to an LRS server that then receives, stores, and forwards…

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The Strengths of Microlearning Today

A Microsoft report showed that the human attention span shrunk from twelve seconds in 2000 to eight seconds in 2013 to one second, shorter than the average goldfish. Microsoft generated a lot of buzz in the marketing world as it recommended marketing tactics evolve to engage today’s distracted consumers. For the learning community, the results…

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Compliance Training: Are you Reactive or Proactive?

Many companies and government agencies consider compliance training just another item to tick off a checklist. This viewpoint can cause organizations to neglect many fine points when planning a compliance training program. Compliance training can ensure an organization follows the laws and regulations across the various regions where it does business, avoiding fines and penalties.…

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Winning Strategies to Overcome Resistance to Change

It’s time for a pop quiz! QUESTION: What is the best way to overcome employee resistance to change? Force them to comply with threats and negative consequences. Bribe them. Gain their trust and willing participation. Hopefully, everybody selected “C.” In all seriousness, though. Change is a challenge. Yet, it’s a constant in every organization, along…

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Powerful Practices: Improving Learning Effectiveness

These next few blog posts will highlight the top Learning and development challenges, their criticality, best resolution practices, and how the Meridian Learning Management System can position you and your team for success. In my many years of learning consulting, two of the most frequent and often subjective questions I ask my clients are: What…

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Making the Move to a Corporate University

When considering the concept of a corporate university, we often first think of large corporations with famous universities, such as GE’s Crontonville University, McDonald’s Hamburger University, or Disney University, to name a few. But here is the kicker: you don’t have to be a Fortune 500 company to establish a corporate university designed to advance…

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