Revamping Your eLearning Programs

In today’s vast world of technology, eLearning has become an essential tool for businesses to educate the modern workforce. Below, we will discuss the different ways in which you can jump-start your corporate eLearning programs. Ensure you Have Proper Leadership & Commitment in Place With any business endeavor, you will only succeed when you have…

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Video Fatigue is Real

We are experiencing a time of great uncertainty. Schools have shifted online, working from home is the new norm, and “Zoom” seems to be in everyone’s vocabulary. With social distancing measures in place across much of the country, we rely heavily on other communication forms to stay connected. People can stay connected to their social…

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Life Hacks: 7 Memory Retention Tips

This morning, I made a pot of coffee and forgot to put it back on the burner. Naturally, I didn’t notice until coffee poured onto my countertop and, eventually, my floor. My auto-pilot routine failed me. As I mopped up the coffee, I thought, “How on Earth did I forget to return the coffee pot?…

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