Why struggle with a “one-size-fits-all” platform when you can have an LMS solution built for your business needs?
We speak to hundreds of learning and development leaders weekly at dozens of agencies and organizations. Unfortunately, few are satisfied with their current learning management system provider. While the value of learning management is growing, most organizations face outdated legacy technology or an inferior LMS as part of a “one-size-fits-all” talent management suite.
At Meridian, we listen to our customers, stay abreast of business needs and trends in the learning industry, and continually seek to improve our learning solutions to provide an online learning experience that meets the various needs required of the many industries we serve. An early adopter of LMS solutions such as mobile, e-commerce, and xAPI, our software platform is scalable and integrates well with existing solutions.

100% Pure Learning
Meridian is the only LMS vendor large organizations use that is 100% focused on learning management. Our tailored approach helps clients create a business impact because they can align the learning management system to rapid changes in how they do business instead of conforming to a single vendor-dictated approach to everything.

No Horror Stories
Every day, organizations tell us scary tales of talent management suite providers that over promised and under delivered. LMS vendors who promised to make critical changes when you are signing the contract, but their customers routinely wait months or years for changes only to never get what they need - or receive it so late that it is no longer relevant. Meridian is committed to addressing our client’s unique needs now, rather than later.

Delivered Your Way
Meridian is the only LMS vendor used by large commercial and government organizations that can deliver on-premise, in a private cloud environment, or a multi-tenant public cloud environment. We provide the delivery model for LMS solutions that makes sense for your unique needs.

Custom Solutions
If your organization has unique requirements and workflows for the delivery of online learning, very few LMS solutions will deliver everything you need out-of-the-box. We can tailor the learning management software to address your organization’s specific needs and processes.

With You All the Way
Meridian’s own in-house resources manage product implementations, deliver professional services, conduct training and provide support. Most LMS vendors use a third-party solution provider to execute the implementation process, breaking the continuity of what was promised to what was delivered. We ensure that your organization achieves its goals, one learner at a time.
“I’ve never worked with an organization that spends as much time trying to solution a problem with me than Meridian.”
- Brian Altshuler, HAI Group

7 Steps in Selecting an LMS.
Choose a solution to best fit your unique needs.