Navigating the Department of Corrections LMS Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide

Selecting an appropriate Learning Management System (LMS) for the Department of Corrections requires a nuanced understanding of the facility’s operational needs, security concerns, and goals. This expanded guide delves deeper into each question, offering insights to help make an informed decision for correctional facility LMS needs. Specialization for Correctional Facilities Why it matters: A generic…

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Enhancing Learning Experiences: Meridian’s Latest Integration Update

At Meridian Knowledge Solutions, we strive to continuously improve our learning management system (LMS) to provide our users with cutting-edge features and seamless integrations. We are thrilled to announce our latest integration update in collaboration with OpenSesame, a leading e-learning content provider. This integration aims to enhance the learning experiences of our users by offering…

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Chosen for Best LMS for 2023: The Meridian LMS featured on eLearning Industry’s Watch List

Best LMS Watchlist 2023

There are many crucial features when selecting a learning management system (LMS). These features streamline processes and equip an organization to meet its goals. Meridian Knowledge Solutions was recently named to eLearning Industry’s Watch List for The Best Learning Management Systems for 2023 due to its exceptional capabilities within the spaces of compliance, blended learning,…

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The Importance of Upskilling and Lifelong Learning in the Manufacturing Industry

upskilling in manufacturing

The Manufacturing Industry has experienced a substantial change in recent years with the advancement of technology. The ground floor is becoming increasingly digitized with new sensors, cameras, and robotics. As a result, this digital advancement has opened the door for further employee training, lifelong learning, and skill development.   Upskilling to Address Worker Demand  Digitization within…

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Standalone LMS vs Talent Management Suite: Why Focused Learning Solutions are the Better Choice

Guest Author: Sean Osborne Enterprise learning has never been more critical as businesses and government agencies strive to develop their workforce, manage compliance, and support their customers in an increasingly complex world of work. Today’s learning management systems (LMSs) play a critical role in achieving these goals. However, when deciding between a standalone, best-of-breed LMS…

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The Rise and Fall (and Future) of Lifelong Learning

Guest Author: Mike Larsen While the term “lifelong learning” may be a recent buzzword, the concept has been around for centuries. Medieval guilds were among the earliest examples of continuing education, with formal apprenticeship programs and training opportunities for guild members to learn new techniques and tools. Apprentices learned a complex craft that changed slowly…

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Why Every Organization Needs a Learning Management System (LMS)

Guest Author: Justin Sacks A Learning Management System (LMS) can benefit a wide range of organizations, including universities, colleges, non-profit organizations, government agencies, businesses, and associations of all sizes and industries. However, not all LMS’ are created equal, and the specific features that an organization may need can vary. An LMS can be used for…

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Combining Forces: Advancing Military Mindfulness with the Help of an LMS

Using a learning management system (LMS) can be an effective way to promote mindfulness training for service members. An LMS is a web-based platform that allows for the creation, delivery, and tracking of online learning activities, making it a powerful tool for training and development. One way to use an LMS to promote mindfulness training…

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Key Features to Look for in an eCommerce LMS Solution

Key eCommerce Features

Many organizations are hesitant to accelerate their digital transformation by introducing a learning management system (LMS) or integrating other technologies. This is due to the impression that it is a time-consuming process and could be a large financial investment. However, the ability to scale and monetize training among external learners has proven to be an…

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What is LMS Architecture?

It’s 2023 and the way in which we operate, learn, and collaborate has evolved tremendously. For highly regulated industries, it’s important to have a learning management system that can adapt and make an impact on the organization. This is where having an LMS architecture can be a great asset not only for training the internal…

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The Rise of Mobile Learning

It is clear that the pandemic highlighted how employee priorities have shifted to focus more on family, health, and self-improvement. Mobile learning has become increasingly desirable for workers on the go, who can complete learning remotely and at their own pace. Due to this shift, many companies have had to rethink their approach to their…

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Mitigate Workplace Violence With Foundational Compliance Training

According to a study cited by the CDC, within a 27-year span, approximately 17,865 people were killed due to a workplace homicide. The rate of workplace violence incidents range depending on occupation. From 2015-2019, corrections officers were ranked with the highest rate of nonfatal workplace violence cases, with an average rate of 149.1 occurrences per…

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Proper LMS Training is a Game-Changer for Federal Prison Personnel

It is apparent that federal prisons and correctional facilities are experiencing detrimental staffing shortages. Just a few months ago, the Federal Corrections Complex in Florida cited a 14% vacancy among employees in its correctional department. There are many possible causes to this staffing shortage which could include retiring workers, difficulties with attracting and retaining workforce,…

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How To Measure Employee Performance With Customized Reporting

It can often be difficult to measure employee performance and determine if L&D programs are effectively working within an organization. When an LMS is deployed, it is crucial to develop analytics that parallels your programs in order to uncover valuable insights. An LMS provides many benefits to L&D programs, but arguably one of the most…

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Attract and Retain Public Safety Workers Through Digital Transformation

Attract and Retain Public Safety Workers Through Digital Transformation

As we approach 2023 there are many challenges that are prevalent within public safety organizations. A reliable and secure learning management system can address some of those concerns: Recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce As public safety workers are retiring or approaching retirement, organizations are re-evaluating their learning and development processes. With an LMS in…

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Essential Features To Look For In Blended Learning Solutions

Essential Hybrid Learning Features

It’s been established that blended learning is a fantastic fuse to support today’s workforce. Not only does it increase learning effectiveness, but it also decreases the overall costs of the curriculum. A blended learning environment couldn’t be possible without a hybrid learning LMS with capabilities to support your ever-changing L&D needs. A hybrid learning LMS…

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Rethink your First Responders L&D Program Strategy

During the pandemic, first responders put their lives on the line and have experienced more than the typical challenges such as: • Lack of personalized and relevant content material • Skill attrition and loss of proper knowledge • Burnout caused by consistent training and skill requirements As technology advances, first responders are more susceptible to…

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Training and Upskilling: Two Critical Components for DOC

Training and Upskilling: Two Critical Components for DOC

The pandemic has undoubtedly sparked the desire for remote work and the need for organizations to re-think their ways of keeping employees engaged and advancing their skillsets. Along with the transition to hybrid work this has posed some threats, especially cybercrime. Cyber criminals and hackers have taken full advantage of government agencies that have remained…

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How Training Can Alleviate Quiet Siege Within Correction Facilities

What correction facilities never prepare for is lack of personnel. But given the pandemic and the many challenges associated with it, this is the new reality. As employees are quitting or retiring some state prisons are experiencing upwards of 70% staffing shortages. With this increase in employee retirement and the pursuit of other careers, Correction…

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How Strategic Consulting Can Help Fine-Tune Your L&D Program

There are many actionable steps that organizations can take to make training and development successful and sustainable on their own. Truth be told, asking for help from an expert can take your organization’s Learning and Development to the next level. By partnering with a Learning Management System, you have the learning and development experts at…

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